Male Reproductive System

Concept Explanation

Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System: The male reproductive organs include the testes, seminal vesicles, penis and some associated glands such as the prostate gland.

Testis: The most important male reproductive organ is the testis, which produces sperms. There are two oval testes, each contained in a protective bag called scrotum (or scrotal sac), lying outside the abdominal cavity. The scrotal sac can elongate and contract depending upon the body temperature and external temperature. This is necessary because sperm formation occurs at a temperature lower than normal body temperature. The testes produce sperms continuously from the stage of puberty onwards. Sperms from the testis pass through the sperm duct, known as vas deferens.

Vas deferens :  The vas deferens runs anteriorly up to the urinary bladder, from where it leads downward and is joined by a duct from the seminal vesicle.

Glands :

  • Seminal vesicle: The seminal vesicle is an elongated sac at the base of the urinary bladder. For each testis, there is one vas deferens and one seminal vesicle. The functions of a seminal vesicle are to store the sperms that have come from the testis and to secrete seminal fluid, or semen, in which the sperms float. 
  • Prostate gland: The sperm ducts from both sides join near the base of the urinary bladder, opening into a single tube called urethra. This junction occurs inside the prostate gland. The prostate gland adds its secretion to the seminal fluid. The urethra leads to the outside of the body through an organ called penis. It carries both urine and seminal fluid. 
  • Cowper's glands  :  They are a pair of small ovoid glands that secrete lubricating fluid into the urethra just before it enters the penis. The secretion of these glands make the sluggish more active and help in the passage of sperms throughthe duct system and then in the ejaculation.
  • Penis: The penis is a muscular, tubular organ made up of loose tissue with spaces in between. This is called erectile tissue. On being stimulated, the erectile tissue fills with blood, making the penis erect and firm, so that it may enter the vagina of the female and discharge the sperms.

    Sperm : The sperm is the male gamete. It has a head and a long tail, which helps it swim towards the ovum (egg).


    Male Reproductive System : - The male reproductive system consists of -

  • A pair of testes to produce sperms.
  • A pair of sperm ducts (Vas deferens) to carry the sperms.
  • Accessory glands to contribute the seminal fluid.
  • A penis for transferring the sperms into the female.
  • The male reproductive system compromises of the following.

    Testes : -  The male reproductive system comprises of a pair of testes that are present in a thin-walled sac called the scrotum. The scrotum is contained within the abdominal cavity in the embryonic stage. Shortly before birth, they come down and remain outside throughout life This is because the testes cannot produce sperms at the body temperature. A temperature 2-3 degrees lower is ideal for the production of sperms. The scrotal sacs hang loose when it is hot and when it is cold the skin of the scrotal sacs contracts and this keeps them in close contact with the body. The sperms produced in testes are carried by the duct called vas deferens. The vas deferens unites with the urethra coming from the urinary bladder. Thus urethra forms a common passage for both urine and sperms. Prostrate galnd and seminal vesicle add their secretions into the vas deferens. Thus the sperm flows in the fluid which also provides it the required nutrition.

    Sample Questions
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